Catholic schools – faith formation, academic excellence, nurturing environment

The Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits Program means more parents can send their children to the schools right for them. Read more »

Life, marriage and family – witness, ministries and advocacy

“The family is a good which society cannot do without, and it ought to be protected.” – Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia Learn more »

Religious freedom – bedrock of Virginian and American values

Protect the right to live faith in homes, parishes, institutions and the public square. Learn more »

Politics is local – work for the common good

“A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern.” – Pope Francis Learn more »

Catholic schools – faith formation, academic excellence, nurturing environment

Life, marriage and family – witness, ministries and advocacy

Religious freedom – bedrock of Virginian and American Values

Politics is local – work for the common good

Statement by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout on Governor Youngkin’s Vetoes of Coercive Contraceptive Bills

Thank you for your advocacy on these bills!
Read here!

The 2024 General Assembly Recap is here!

See how your legislators voted!
Read the report

Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout issue statement on Governor Youngkin’s Vetoes of Abortion Shield Legislation

Issued April 5th, 2024
Read here!

News & Events


Action Alert

Take action – your help is needed!  

USCCB Alert: Protect religious freedom

USCCB Alert: Urge your Representative to fight hunger



Help register voters for critical elections this year and beyond

July 1, 2024 by Jeff Caruso

Virginia Catholic Conference provides key voter registration template, encourages parishes to conduct drivesOn November 5, Virginians will have the opportunity to vote in the...


Virginia Catholic Conference Issues

Because We Are Catholic

Catholic Education

77 primary & high schools
26,561 school students
$315.7 million – amount Catholic schools save commonwealth

Catholic Social Services

28 languages spoken
81,853 clients served
$26.9 million – total combined budget

Catholic Healthcare

8 hospitals
11,100 hospital employees
$159 million – Total community benefit

The Reach of the Catholic Church in Virginia

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

Diocese of Arlington

Crest of the Diocese of Arlington

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

Bishop Barry C. Knestout

Diocese of Richmond

Crest of the Diocese of Richmond

Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

Diocese of Arlington

Crest of the Diocese of Arlington

Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo

Bishop Barry C. Knestout


Diocese of Richmond

Crest of the Diocese of Richmond