”Human life is sacred. The dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.“
– U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, 44

At the heart of the Virginia Catholic Conference’s efforts in Richmond and, with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in Washington, D.C., is the understanding that every human life is sacred and has inherent dignity.
We are obliged by our faith and on behalf of the common good to advocate for public policies that end:
- abortion
- human embryonic stem cell research
- assisted suicide or euthanasia
- capital punishment
- poverty
- human trafficking and pornography
Preserving the sanctity of life also means advocating for humane and welcoming treatment of migrants, access to life-affirming health care, criminal justice reform and reasonable gun-safety measures.
Recently …
News, statements or actions
- 2021 Virginia Passage of Death Penalty Abolition Legislation — VA Bishops Statement
- 2021 Virginia Passage of Abortion Expansion Legislation — VA Bishops Statement on Senate Bill | VA Bishops Statement on House Bill
- U.S. Senate Fails to Pass Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act — Read Virginia’s Bishops’ Statement | Read articles addressing Tim Kaine’s comments
- “Appalling” — US Bishops’ Pro-Life Chair response to Senate’s failure to ban abortions on 20-week-old babies in womb
- US Bishops say HHS Mandate decision represents return to common sense
- Be not afraid: Cardinal Dolan announces 2017-18 respect life program
- US Bishops & 32 organizations urge Congress to pass Conscience Protection Act of 2017
- VA Bishops: Ending the Death Penalty in Virginia
Living our faith
Catholic Church ministries and resources that serve life include the following:
- Pregnancy & adoption services, Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington and in the Diocese of Richmond’s central and western and eastern regions
- Respect Life Office, Diocese of Arlington
- Center for Marriage, Family and Life, Diocese of Richmond
- Gabriel Project, pregnancy related services
- Project Rachel, post-abortive healing
- Human Life Action, a USCCB affiliate and project of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc. (NCHLA)
- Advance Medical Directive for end of life
- Advance Medical Directive Q&A for end of life
- Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use of the Death Penalty
Together, Uplifting Families
(Produced by Maniglia Media, LLC. Visit Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington)
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