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Thank you for your valued participation in our email advocacy network! As we head into the 2024 legislative session, we are now offering an additional way for you to receive our alerts.
If (in addition to email) you would like to receive our alerts via text, please text “VACatholic” to 50457. You will then receive a confirmation text that you have signed-up for SMS/text alerts, along with a link to complete your registration (if required).
By opting in, you will begin receiving links to our alerts via text, and you will still continue to receive our alerts via email in the way you always have.
This means you will now have two quick and convenient ways to send email messages to your legislators – by using either the alert we text you or the alert we email you. Two convenient methods, same effective action.
We look forward to providing this additional opportunity to contact your legislators. Please opt in now!
If you are not a member of the Conference's advocacy network, click here to receive regular Conference email alerts and updates. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.
In prayer and in public, your voices are urgently needed to bring Gospel values to bear on vital decisions being made by those who represent you.
The Virginia Catholic Conference is the public policy agency representing Virginia’s Catholic bishops and their two dioceses.