VoterVoice Post

Virginia Pro-Life Day is happening this month!

January 8, 2025 by Jeff Caruso

We need your voice in Richmond

Virginia Pro-Life Day is right around the corner! Register today to join pro-life advocates from around the commonwealth in Richmond on January 29th. Meet with your legislators to advocate against dangerous bills that expand abortion and for policies that affirm the life and dignity of every mother and every child. With majorities in both the Senate and the House poised to pass extreme abortion legislation, it is vital that pro-lifers show up in large numbers.

After your meetings with legislators, a Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Knestout and Bishop Burbidge for all in attendance.

Register Here!

Interested in learning more about the fight against the constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion rights in Virginia’s constitution? Pro-life groups across the commonwealth are coming together for a Pro-Life Strategy Call tonight, Wednesday, January 8 at 8:00 PM ET (Live on Zoom). Sign-up here for the call!


Pregnant and need help? Click here to find pregnancy resources offered by our two dioceses.

If you are not a member of the Conference's advocacy network, click here to receive regular Conference email alerts and updates. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.

In prayer and in public, your voices are urgently needed to bring Gospel values to bear on vital decisions being made by those who represent you.


The Virginia Catholic Conference is the public policy agency representing Virginia’s Catholic bishops and their two dioceses.
